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5 Money Mavens Show How to Make Your Money Move

5 Money Mavens Show How to Make Your Money Move

Lately, I have been feeling like I’m in a scene from the 90’s movie “Set it Off” with Queen Latifah and Jada Pinkett Smith. I never imagined I would walk into my bank with a mask on to ask for a withdrawal. And, many people could never imagine how much a COVID-affected lifestyle would cost. Most people’s “rainy day” fund was not strong enough to meet a 7-month pandemic. And, if you were one of those people who had to drain your savings, you’re not alone. According to, by September, 15% of Americans had wiped out their emergency funds.

Unfortunately, most of us were never taught in schools how the secret of how invest and  “make money while you sleep.” Fortunately, there are financial feminists who are working rain or shine to help. There are quite a few sisters in the financial space who are looking to help you save, invest, and improve your financial literacy, so  your money can keep moving when the rest of the world feels like it is still at a standstill.

  1. Bola Sokunbi is a financial education instructor, author and founder of Clever Girl Finance. Her goal: “Help women become accountable, ditch debt, save money and build real wealth.” Sokunbi has a financial literacy blog and two books: Clever Girl Finance: How Investing Works, and Grow Your Money and Clever Girl Finance: Ditch Debt, Save Money, and Build Real Wealth. She also provides a variety of free resources on her website, including over 30 free financial literacy courses. Visit her website for more.  
  2. Tiffany Aliche, aka “The Budgetnista”,  is an award-winning teacher of financial education who says she is “dedicated to making life-changing financial education accessible to women worldwide.” Aliche is the author of the book Get Good with Money for adults and Happy Birthday Mail More, a financial literacy book for  Children. The Budgetnista believes the most important part about teaching is “unlocking access” and she does this through providing resources. On her site, Aliche has a digital community and free resources to download. You can also join her #getricher movement here.
  3. Kara Stevens wants you to consider her “your financial friend.”  Stevens is a financial coach, author, and creator of The Frugal Feminista. Her focus: “to help 6-figure Black women step into their financial confidence, demolish their debt, and set themselves up to achieve financial ease.” Most people equate income with wealth, but Stevens wants to make sure high earners hold on to as much money as they can.  On her website you can purchase her book Heal Your Relationship with Money or get free articles that will help you get on track. Visit her here to learn more.
  4. Melisa Boutin is a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) and money coach who focuses on the Caribbean millennial. She wants to “help you get rid of debt and finally get on track to live the life you envision for yourself!” Since Boutin is among the 80% of Caribbean students who have had to take out a student loan to attend college, she knows first hand the weight of debt. Her  book Student Loan Answers: A 7-Step Guide To Understanding Your Caribbean Student Loan is one way she wants to support others like her. You can visit Boutin’s website to book a coaching session, take advantage of the free resources or join her “Money Massive Crew.” Visit her site for more.
  5. Taylor K. Gordon is a personal finance writer and creator of the online blog, Tay Talks Money. Posts on the blog are designed to provide “Practical money tips and lifestyle hacks for 20-something women who want to live large on a very small budget.” This blog is a great resource 20 somethings new to “adulting” and managing their own finances. But, there are also articles on how to make and save more money. Visit her website here.
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